Make a gift in honor of someone special

Making a gift in tribute of a person, animal or special occasion is a wonderful way to show you care about your loved ones and the animals at the Animal Humane Society.

Choose one of the following options to complete your tribute donation:

  • Choose the honor/memorial option on our online donation form.
  • Call Donor Services at 763-489-2210.
  • Download this form and send your gift, and the name of those you are honoring, to: Donor Services, Animal Humane Society, 845 Meadow Ln N, Golden Valley, MN 55422.
Charities Review Council

Minnesota Charities Review Council’s Standards of Accountability state that at least 70% of an organization’s annual expenses must be directed toward program activity with no more than 30% for management, general, and fundraising expenses combined. In 2024, Animal Humane Society exceeded this standard by directing 75% of our expenses back into programming and services for animals and the community.